I was invited to photograph Laurie Sharp’s family at their home in Pflugerville, Texas. Laurie, a retired truck driver, now lives with her daughter, Logan Sharp, and their two dogs. Logan has multiple physical disabilities that makes it impossible for her to live without round-the-clock attention. Laurie now cares for her daughter full-time, and the family depends on income through a Medicaid waiver program known as Community Living Assistance and Support Services, otherwise known as CLASS. Recent legislation has resulted in the axing of the program's overtime pay, leading to a drastic decrease in income. I made these photographs as a part of a larger story by Neelam Bohra, which is available here.
Laurie uses an electronic Rapunzel toy with spinning lights to hold Logan's gaze on Sep. 9, 2023. The exercise helps Logan control her neck movements and is a part of her physical therapy.
Laurie tucks Logan into bed for an afternoon nap on Sep. 9, 2023, stopping to give her a kiss on the forehead.
A pair of shoes with matching AFOs, or ankle foot-othoses, sits on the Sharps' living room table on Sep. 9, 2023. The bracing footwear has to be custom-ordered, and they help Logan stand with the assistance of a wheeled standing lift.
Laurie Sharp, left, and physical therapist Kari Heath, right, wheel Logan to her bed using a sling on Sep. 9, 2023. The sling is needed for Logan to be lifted in and out of beds and chairs, but its bulky size and cumbersome weight make it nearly impossible for Laurie to operate alone.
Laurie Sharp, 62, talks with her daughter, Logan Sharp, 20, in the living room of their Pflugerville, Texas home on Sep. 9. 2023. Logan has multiple respiratory illnesses, requiring medical accommodations such as a feeding tube, foreground, and a speech-assistance tablet, background.